Withdrawal from Bipolar Theory – Seeing the Phenomena in 360 degrees
① There are no good or evil in the universe
It is said that there are no good or evil in the universe.
When some energy is brought to the universe, that gathers to form a phenomenon,
and then, that phenomenon disappears and goes back to the universal space.

From the universe’s point of view, the phenomena are just there.
There is no good or bad.
However, on this planet,
there seems like there are many goods and bads.
That is because, we are looking at things in bipolar theory.
② How the Phenomena Are Seen
How phenomena are seen by people vary.
Good or evil, right or wrong, opinions will differ against one thing.
However, as I have mentioned earlier, there is no good or bad in anything.
That is just a difference on where that person seeing it is focusing on.

We generally tend to think of things in bipolarity.
When we look at things in whether it is right or wrong,
as the face and the back of a coin, it will be a judgement of black or white.
However, how would it be if you look at it as a sphere?
There is no back or front, and since it is seen in 360 degrees,
it is hard to judge.
It might be easy if you think of it in moon phases.

Although the moon itself does not change,
how it is seen is different depending on where you are looking at it from.
There is no good or bad in full moon or new moon, right?
And even if it looks so now, it will continue to change its form.
When seen from the other side where the light is shining,
It may seem like darkness,
but you can see both light and darkness if you look at it from the side.
So if you look at things in sphere, your understanding towards things will change as well.
And phenomena are originally like this.
So if you think of it like this, the phenomena appearing in daily life has no good or bad,
and it can be said that it just repeats itself of appearing and disappearing.
③ Learning a Lesson from Phenomena
Well then, are phenomena just there?
Yes, they are just there.
However, there are chances of learning a lesson there.

For example, even in violent crimes, which could be a phenomenon that everybody thinks it wrong,
there are lessons to that person or the surrounding environment to learn from.
And as the phenomena get big, the learning domain will enlarge.
Personal incidents are for personal learning,
big incidents that threaten the whole world will bring learning lessons to the world.
Then, how is the COVID-19 pandemic?
Though the phenomenon seems like darkness, let us look at it in moon phases.
The current world is in a state of looking at the moon from the backside.
However, there definitely is a lighter side on the other side.

Beyond this huge phenomenon reaching the whole world,
we shall be learning a huge lesson, and the world will be evolving greatly.
④ Withdrawing from Bipolar Theory
Conflicts rising from perceiving things in bipolarity.
That is the fundamental problem which causes conflicts in the world on this planet.
From bipolar oppositions of right or wrong,
there are many sadness on this earth.

The most necessary thing for us, and for the earth to evolve,
can be said to be withdrawing from these bipolar points of view.
Where we are to head, is to earn the truth of the universe,
that is, whether we are able to find the light
in phenomena which seem to be just darkness.
Because, when you learn of light, the darkness will no longer be darkness.

If we can withdraw from the bipolar ways of thinking,
We will earn the truth of the universe, and things will head towards harmony.
And for that, please change the conflicting bipolar points of view in you,
into a 360 degree-view first.
By stopping to judge things in good or evil, right or wrong,

I believe that the ways you see or perceive things will change,
towards yourself, and others.
And as your view broadens, things that occur will change.
That is because, as you head closer towards the truth of the universe,
your energy vibration will rise as well.
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Please see with English subtitles.
Hello, this is Mizuho Kondo.
I am sending a spiritual message from Japan.
I have been active as a healer in Japan for over 23 years.
Thank you for reading the article.