About Current Earth – Is ascension really being accelerated?
① About Recent Darkness
Recently, various darkness have appeared on earth.
Of course, the Afghanistan incident would be included,
but also the coup in Myanmar, Uyghur oppression, and Hong Kong protests.
However, these problems have been there for a long time,
and are the reflections of the deeply rooted karma which have been repeated for ages.
It seems as if the current situation is a phenomenon of retrogression and not evolution,
as if the opposite of the ascension,
but when I ask the universe of these meanings,
the answer is that the Earth is yet heading towards ascension.
② YIN(negative) Reaching to its Peak

When is it, that we change as an individual?
Many times, changes occur through personal experience,
and when we change our facing directions by our own will.
And that is, not through little phenomena, but after the big phenomena.
It has been repeatedly shown on this channel,
but let’s look at the YIN-YANG image.

The black represents the YIN (negative) polarity, the ki (energy) descending on the right side,
and the white represents YANG (positive), ascending ki (energy) on the left side.
In China, they see this as a shape of a fish,
showing how the ki is born and gradually flourishes
spreading its domain from the fishtail to the head.
And as the YIN reaches its peak it will change into YANG, and YANG to YIN likewise,
repeating the process endlessly.

③ Current Earth’s Position
However, when we look at this, it seems as if
the YIN-YANG transition is endlessly being repeated at the same place,
but when we add the ascension theory, putting YIN-YANG aside,
an ascending shift occurs, one step upward, as the YIN reaches its peak and changes to YANG,
while making a transition of YIN-YANG.

I believe that when we make a big change,
it is when we have done everything we could,
or the feeling of never wanting to repeat the same situation or experience
becoming the trigger to move on to the next shift.
It is when things reach their extreme peak, not in the situation in-between,
the true shift occurs.
And I would like you to take a close look at this part of the YIN-YANG.
The current time and space on this Earth,
can be said to be this part, where the YANG has just born.
However, as you can see,
there is a large part of the YIN still present.
When the YANG is born from YIN reaching its peak,
not everything changes all at once,
but YIN still existing big, overlapping,
while YANG is set to motion underwater.
The reason why the phenomena of the earth hasn’t changed
or even as if the YIN is getting bigger,
though with the spreading information of ascension
and our mind heading towards the light,
is as this YIN-YANG shows.
④ Karma of the Conflicts based on Concessions
The Earth has been covered with karma of conflicts based on concessions for a long time.
And the phenomena based on concessions have risen big,
but they are heading to its end, even though they may seem not.
We have entered the next domain.
However, the phenomena of the old domain may still show up.
You may feel hopelessness, sadness, or anger
to what is happening on this Earth now, including the COVID-19.
But remember, it is because it is at its transition, they are happening.
⑤ Finding the Light of YANG
Please do not get swallowed up in the negative information,
And find the light of YANG set to motion in the deep,
and know the light of hope and evolution beyond.
I believe that in reality, everyone is wishing for a peaceful and bright world.
And that we all want to be happy.
The flow of YANG will arrive to you, as you understand more and more
of the new current hidden at the bottom of the current situation.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.
Hello, this is Mizuho Kondo.
I am sending a spiritual message from Japan.
I have been active as a healer in Japan for over 23 years.
Thank you for reading the article.