Japan’s Role in Leading the Next Era – What is Necessary for the Future Era
① The Death and Rebirth of a Country
As you probably know,
I believe that Japan, which is on the path of deterioration since over 20 years ago,
will continue to deteriorate in the future.
That may seem like a bad thing,
for it looks as if it is left behind from the other countries in the world,
but in spiritual means, Japan has a role of leading the new era,
that it is leaving the developed countries, first,
to prepare for what is coming next.
To create a new system,
the old system must completely finish,
and this means a death and rebirth as a country.

A process to head towards death will be a hard one,
and for Japan to perish, a situation of who knows what will happen will go on.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, and famines due to lack of foods,
and on top of that, possibilities for the wars to break out cannot be denied.
I do not know much about economics,
but I do understand that the economical system will be changing.
That means, the current economic system will also go to ruin, I believe.
And the people who are necessary for the next era will survive this important phase,
and build foundation of the new era.
② About Conspiracy Theory
Though I do not want to talk much about it, but I will mention a little on conspiracy theories.
Due to COVID, conspiracy theories have been heard by many people,
but I have been facing conspiracy theories from year 2000.
Back then, it was a world which would not believe in such ridiculous stories,
but now that a couple of decades have passed,
the situation seems just like what it was said back then.
So, I believe that for those who have recently heard about the conspiracy theory,
may think it to be an untrustworthy information,
but as the years pass,
you will probably gradually begin to understand that.
So, I do believe that there are conspiracy theories.

However, I also know that we cannot fight against the will of the great Universe.
The will of the great Universe is for the whole universal lifeforms,
including us human beings, to evolve.
Mistakes provide lessons to people.
We have gained wisdom to live better from our bitter experiences.
I take it as a lesson, for those who get involved in conspiracy theories,
just as well as those who are used by them.
3rd dimension is a stage of experience.
Good and bad, experiences become nutrients to the soul.
What I want to say, is that even the conspiracy theories which try to cover the world in darkness,
will become something integrated into ascension.
③ To Survive the New Era
As I have spoken earlier, Japan is in the lead,
to be facing the suffering phase.
The old system coming to an end means,
as long as they continue their former ways, they will continue to deteriorate.
The successful ways of the old days will no longer be,
they will need to find new ways following the next period.
So, I have received tips necessary to survive,
moving forward to the new era.

(1) Brush up your specialties
In the upcoming era, each of us are specialists.
Not under someone’s management, nor someone’s orders,
the work using your specialties, with your own will to take action towards society,
is the way of life the new era will be looking for,
and is the tip to smoothly live in the upcoming era.
The former pyramid-shaped society will collapse.
And if you belong to an organization, you may be in trouble when that is destroyed,
I advise you to prepare to live by making use of your specialties,
even within the organizations.
Simply put,
if you have talents or ways to live without belonging to an organization,
you have enough potentials to survive through the upcoming era.
By the way, organizations in the hierarchic form will move towards destruction,
but teams with people working as a circle will grow and expand.
Teams will consist of people with similar specialties,
to be working towards the world,
with a leader in it,
who will be sharing wisdom to develop the next generation.

(2)Brush up your sixth sense
The sixth sense refers to a sense other than sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell,
and clairvoyance and channeling abilities are considered as sixth senses,
but it is not anything special, rather something we originally have.
People from the ancient times had quite developed sixth senses,
but it is said that the sixth sense of the people nowadays have degenerated.
Those with valid sixth senses can make use of their wisdoms
to escape from the troublesome phases when they occur.
What they should do now, what is the best, they are able to determine,
and their abilities to receive the voices of their guides or higher existences.
To activate your sixth sense, it is valid to brush up your five senses.
To get your sensibility working, you can listen to music which raises your minds,
or enjoy art, or use aromatic scents of essential oils in your daily life,
or even to achieve a state of mental detachment will develop your sixth sense.
Meditations, or spending time alone in the great wilderness.
It is valid to brush up your sixth sense
with energy works such as healings.
This channel continues to share posts of information for this cause.

(3)Strengthen your body and mind
For you to keep your body and mind strong,
is necessary to overcome the upcoming phase.
That is because, no matter how much wisdom you may have,
it is hard to survive through the raging waves of the era if your body and mind are weak.
For example, like COVID-19,
who knows what kind of harmful things to humans will break out in the future.
Also, I believe that mental problems such as depression will increase even more
and people’s mentality will get wasted when their lives become poor.
Body and mind are closely bound. Healthy life will nurture healthy mentality,
and will be the source of bringing bright future.
Because the future may be full of physical and mental illness,
we should think about our daily and eating habits in preparation,
to keep our bodies and minds healthy by adapting daily health methods.
This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.
Hello, this is Mizuho Kondo.
I am sending a spiritual message from Japan.
I have been active as a healer in Japan for over 23 years.
Thank you for reading the article.