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  • 【Spiritual Talk】Harmonies of the Dragons – Relationship between Great Britain and Japan and the Further Roles of Japan

【Spiritual Talk】Harmonies of the Dragons – Relationship between Great Britain and Japan and the Further Roles of Japan

① Great Britain and Japan are Countries of the Dragons

Great Britain and Japan are spiritually connected,
and are in a relationship of the two sides of the same coin.

And there are common characteristics
that support the connection between Great Britain and Japan.

Those are, that they are both islands surrounded by the ocean,
and that they are the countries of the dragons.

I believe that many of you know that Japan is a country of the dragons,
but actually, so is Great Britain.

However, the form is not like the dragon which is familiar to Japan,
but the western dragons with wings.

When walking around the city of London,
I often see statues and crests in shapes of dragons,

and there are many legends related to dragons in Great Britain.

Also, I know that many of you know that the land shape of Japan
is in the shape of a dragon,

but the land shape of Great Britain is also,
close to the one of the dragon, if you look carefully.

There are many legends of dragons around the world,

but Great Britain and Japan are especially the countries with
stronger energies of dragons working.

② Connections of Japan and Great Britain

The connections between Japan and Great Britain can be found in the history, too.

For example, in the year 1952 when Queen Elizabeth II acceded to her throne,

Japan gained back its independence from the allied forces
by the Treaty of San Francisco being issued.

Some people consider 1952 to be the year Japan was founded,
and in that important year, Queen Elizabeth II was enthroned.

And exactly 70 years from then.

With the change in Great Britain,
Japan, also, will be entering the next cycle spiritually.

③ Further Roles of Japan

While feeling the connections and changes in Great Britain and Japan,
a big keyword has come to me.

That is, the roles of Japan in the future is
to take away the racial discrimination.

Racism is an unavoidable problem for peace and equality on earth.

Harmony is a balanced state.
Japanese are neither white nor black; they are in between, yellow.

In the future era, with the sunshine born from Japan,
a balanced world will be opened.

Prince Shotoku had named Japan, a “Land of the Rising Sun” and is a no mistake.
That is, in real terms, talking about the era from now on.

The other day, I have spoken about Japan changing from Nara,
in my other clip, but it actually is connected to this.

Japan is a country of the sun to share its new light to the world.
For that, we need to be re-born.

④ The One to Shine the World of Maitreya

With the vision of Prince Shotoku,
I saw another vision overlapping.

That was the form of Maitreya, Bodhisattva, or Miroku.

In Buddhism, there is a story of the future world,
where Maitreya (Bodhisattva) will come to this earth to save the world.

That is not about the story of 5,670,000,000 years after Buddha’s passing.
After 567, truly now, it means the world from now on.

However, even if we wait for the coming of Maitreya, or Bodhisattva, or Miroku
to save the world, those beings will not come.

The reason for that is, the true powers to move the world,
will only activate with the gathering of the powers of the awakened individuals.

Put into words, each of us are the Maitreya, Bodhisattva, or Miroku.

The light of the “Land of the Rising Sun”
can be said as the each individual light of the awakened Japanese.

⑤ Harmonies of the Dragons and the World

Japan and Great Britain
are key countries to change the future world.

The dragons of the two sides of the same coin, have continued their conflicts,
but the dragons of Japan and Great Britain heading towards harmony
can lead the world into harmony.

For that, Japan needs to be re-born,
and also, Great Britain will change.

The Japanese with the soul of Japanese, Wa(倭), becoming a wa, ring (輪)
and by gathering the powers of harmony, wa(和), the sun will begin to shine.

This light, is the source to change the world.
To activate this, is our mission as the Japanese.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.

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