【Spiritual Talk】Twin Rays’ Mission Behind the Rising Sun – Th...
① Why had Spread in Japan Today’s episode is a content which should be shared at this moment. I have told you before, but the information of the Twin Rays are originally received by the channelers outside of Japan,but the information on Twin Rays spread in Japan,uniquely developing its form. Likewise, I have been sharing information as to accelerate the movement from 2015,but the...

【Twin Ray】The 4 Definitions of Silent Period
① Disconnection of Contacts Silent as it is, in the situation where it is in the silence,meaning there is no movement in the relationship of the two. Therefore, generally, you will not be in contact with the counterpart,and the two will not interact with each other physically. It is because one of them is ignoring the communication given,or even shutting it out, that there...

【Twin Ray】Extra Episode on the Reason Not to Chase Your Twin – A Ta...
① For Twin Rays First, I would like to talk about the reason for Twin Rays to not chase after your counterpart. For Twin Rays, when they meet, most of the time,they will work hard to get somehow closer to the counterpart,or to gain back the relationship of the two. And when you notice, you’d been sending too many messages,or contacting them too much...

【Twin Ray】It’s Time to Know What Love Is – 1,000 Day Pilgrimage and...
① 1,000-day Pilgrimage I have been climbing mountains often recently,but there is something I have been feeling while I climb. That Twin Ray’s path is the same as climbing. But as you all know,the mountain of Twin Rays is not so easy to climb. And even if you did climb one, another will come along your way. There are days where you feel helpless...

【Twin Rays】About Affairs and Divorce – My Perspective as I Share In...
① Do you agree with affairs? Many of the times for Twin Rays,they encounter each other in a situation where it is hard for them to get together smoothly, that one or even both of them,are in a state where they are married when they meet. However, if anyone loves someone else when they are in a marriage,it is generally considered as an untrue...

【Twin Rays】The Mechanism of Union – The Importance of Self-Un...
① Your Light and Dark Sides Light and darkness are originally one, existing as a pair. Light creates darkness, and the darkness is born from light.Without light, there is no darkness. Therefore, when we look at the dark side, there is always a source of light.Then let’s put this story into the one with Twin Rays. Where did your darkness arise from?That is right....

【Ascension】Preparing for 2023 Summer Solstice and Onwards – Disting...
① Before the Summer Solstice Summer solstice is the peak of the annual solar cycle which started from the winter solstice last year. I am sure many of you are feeling that it is not just that, and it is a point of a huge shift. This summer solstice is a shifting point for individuals and of nations, what more, even for the Earth...

【Twin Ray】For Those Wishing for Words of Love – 5th Dimension...
① The Normal Love that Changes While walking on the Twin Ray path,there may be many of you who are worrying because you cannot clearly receive the words of love from your counterpart. You would feel so assured if only they had shown their love with words,but why would they not word them out clearly? It is because there is a will of the...

【Twin Ray】About Self-Integration – To the Yin-Yang-Balanced O...
① What is Self Integration As you all know, when you encounter your Twin Ray,you will be forced to face your dark sides. It is a very harsh and hard time,to see the negative sides of yourself to the fullest,which you have tried to keep your eyes off from. Why do you have to face your dark side,when you have finally met your Twin...

【Twin Rays】Integrating the Mind – 5 States that Appear when t...
◎ What is an Integration of the Mind Many times for Twin Rays, before their unions of the reality,the integrating of the mind occurs. And if the integration of the mind occurs,and both or either one has their realistic assignments left, they will not be able to come to a realistic union,until they clear those assignments. Then what kind of state would you be...

【Twin Ray】Is There A Way To Meet My Twin Ray? Is There A Sign of E...
① What’s the Method to Encounter Your Twin Ray? The boom of Twin Ray spread over the past few years,and there are methods to encounter your Twin Ray or sessions of such in the world, it seems, but because the encounter with your Twin Ray is set at the most important timing of your life by fate,that you cannot generally intend to encounter your...

【Twin Ray】Positive Reason to Repeat the Silent Period – For t...
① Repeating Silent Periods For those who are in the middle of the silent period after encountering your Twin Ray,there may be those who are thinking that you will be able to reach Union right after your silent period. However, the reality is not really so most of the times,and most of the Twin Ray couples face several silent periods until their Union. Of...

【Twin Ray】Why the Twin Ray Path is So Harsh – Roller Coasters...
① Fatal Effects As one of the reasons why the path of the Twin Rays is so harsh,you can list the counterpart to be your fatal existence. This is not limited to Twin Rays,but the more the counterpart to be your fatal existence,the more you tend to influence each other,to nudge each other to the lessons of the souls and to their growths. Your...

【Twin Ray】4 Issues which the Masculine Ray Bear③ – Mental Issue
① Unopened Heart In the beginning around the period of the first encounter,many of the Masculine Rays seem not to know what love really is. Although they may have repeated many love relationships,they had never had an experience to love someone from their heart,and it is not that they are feeling the love the Feminine are feeling from the beginning. Then why, did the...

【Twin Ray】4 Issues which the Masculine Ray Bear③ – Health Issue
① Mind and Body It was soon after I started giving sessions, that I noticed how there is a certain percentage of the Masculine Rays that have issues related to their health. And many of them are linked with the mental issue, which is going to be the next theme. This can be said not only to Twin Rays, but also to just anyone,...