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  • Spirit of Words that Live On – Characteristics of Spirit of Words and How to Erase the Word Swamp

Spirit of Words that Live On – Characteristics of Spirit of Words and How to Erase the Word Swamp

① Spirit of Words is Your Alter Ego

Spirit of words is the spiritual power which lives in the words,
and means that words have spirit.

I have received it as this.

When I let out a word, my life gets recorded into the word,
and becomes the spirit of words that float around me.

And then, even if I forget about that spirit of word,
the spirit of word which accommodates my life will do its work,
as my alter ego, abiding by the content it recorded.

The moment the spirit of word is born, it is floating around close to the body,
but as you continue to let out words, it gets pushed out further and further.

And then, when the spirit of word is pushed outside of your auras,
it disappears naturally, and the life recorded onto it will disappear as well.

② Spirit of Words Aimed at Someone

This is about the works of spirit of ordinary words in daily life

but the spirit of words spoken to or aimed at someone,
will float in between that someone and you, not just around you.

And as the energy of life recorded onto the word is stronger, the closer it gets to that someone.

Essentially, since spirit of words exist beyond time and space,
even if that someone is not actually close around, it reaches close to that someone.

Also, words spoken to someone with strong intent or emotions,
may enter into the person’s aura or etheric body.

In fact, when I perform healings in my sessions,
I often find someone’s words inside my client’s
energic body.

I believe that you all have some words told by someone that you cannot forget.
That is because, that person’s spirit of word is still living in you.

Of course, it would be nice if those were positive words,

but in cases where it’s offensive, or criticizing or denying you,
or negative words with strong intents,

as long as that spirit of word is living, you will continue to be damaged.

③ Surviving Period of Spirits of Words

Well then, how long do spirits of words survive?

That, may vary, according to
the strength of intention or emotions recorded onto them.

Light spirits of words spoken in daily life will disappear in a few hours to a few days,

but those born from strong intents or emotions survive longer,
and they may last from a few months to in some cases a few years to a few decades.

For example, in the harshest situations of life,
the spirit of words you determinedly shouted out not wanting to live such life ever again,

may live on the rest of your life,
or maybe even to your next life cycle.

It can be said that the shouts from your soul would be the strongest spirits of words.

④ Weight of Spirits of Words

Surviving period of spirits of words is related to the weight of the spirits of words.

Positive spirits of words are light and tend to float in higher area,
and negative words are heavy, tending to float lower.

Negative spirits of words,
need longer time to disappear than the positive spirits of words.

Also, if you keep letting out positive spirits of words,
the floating spirits of words in the higher range gather together,

and will pull you up as if you’re on a balloon.
It is true that your destiny ascends by spirits of words.

On the other hand, if you keep letting out negative spirits of words,
you will be pulled down by the spirits of words sinking in a low range.

That is as if, you’re drowning in the muddy swamp you made yourself.

Words let out towards someone else is the same.
If you let out positive spirits of words towards someone,
you bring that person up.

And, if you let out many negative spirits of words towards someone
you will bring that person down into the swamp of spirits of words.

⑤ How to Erase the Swamp of Spirits of Words

Have you understood the characteristics of the spirits of words?

Positive spirits of words are good, so there is no problem,
but negative spirits of words are not needed.

Everyone has a little bit of negative spirits of words, more or less,

but those can be pushed out and disappeared gradually,
if you intend on positive spirits of words and try to let them out daily.

However, if you let out negative words almost everyday,
or if you are receiving negative words from someone,

there may be a heavy swamp of spirits of words around your feet.

That is hard to eliminate with just a little bit of positive spirits of words,
or by a light of healing,

so I would like to introduce to you a special method,
of erasing the swamp of spirits of words.

(1) Pulling Out the Spirit from Spirit of Words

Tell to the swamp of spirits of words.
“I will return the life of old spirits of words I have born.”

Imagine a gold ball of light about 10cm and hold it in your right hand, and rotating it
counterclockwise towards your feet, collect the energy of the spirit of words into the ball of light.

(2) Sublimation of the Spirits of Words

Holding the right hand with the ball of spirits of words straight above,

and say towards the heavens.
“I will sublimate the energy of my old spirits of words.”

Imagine that the ball of spirits of words rising towards the heavens.

(3) Washing Away the Swamp of the Spirits of Words

Unplug the peg for drain on the bottom of swamp,
and imagine the swamp draining from there.

When the swamp disappears, wash your feet with a light of shower.

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