Reasons It Cannot Be “For Someone” When You’re Not Fulfilled
① State of Being Fulfilled
We all have feelings of wanting to help someone or the world,
or save people, to some sort.
However, there are those who are able to do some big work towards
society or their surroundings, and those who are not.
What are the differences?
I believe there are various reasons.
For example, their personal capacity or experience, environment or the timing,
the will they hold, or the amount of passion might depend.
And there is another reason.
And this is the difference of whether they are fulfilled themselves or not, today’s theme.

The state of being fulfilled is the state,
of having enough food, clothing and housing, work, harmony and love in family,
joy and purpose of living, and all the other things that are necessary
for people to live happily.
I’m sure you have heard people say,
“You can’t make anyone happy if you’re not happy.”
But that can be said to be true in energy terms as well.
Let me explain the reason.
② Reason To Be Fulfilled
Let’s look at this picture now.

The cup on the left has a little bit of water in it.
And the cup on the right has a lot of water in it.
What will happen if you add more water in them?

The cup on the left will take more time to fill up,
but the cup on the right will overflow soon.
Let’s convert this to people.

The cup on the left is the state of unfulfilled person.
The cup on the right is the state of fulfilled person.
When an energy necessary for people to live is poured in,

the cup on the left will use the energy to fulfill itself first,
but the cup on the right will spill the energy out.
And this, overflowing energy would actually be the energy flown to the surroundings.
The people with the state of the left cup may not be able to give a result
that they want, or may even break their own balances,
if they force to work for others, although they wanted to.
On the other hand, the people with the state of the right cup may naturally work well
with the overflowing energy, even if they didn’t intend to work for others.
If you want to work for someone or your surroundings,
we must first be fulfilled ourselves, inside and out.
Just keeping yourself happy would be good to your surroundings.

Even when you are in a situation where you must support someone,
please do not sacrifice yourself, and remember to be good to yourself as well.
By being fulfilled yourself,
you will be able to work more than double of when you are not fulfilled.
③ Brushing Up Your Capacity
The cup can be replaced with people’s capacity.
And when the capacity (or the container) is bigger, it takes more time to fulfill,
but the energy flown out will be bigger as well, when the container is filled.
However, although you want to do much work,
the capacity as a person may actually be something you are born with.

I take it this way, including my case.
Even a small container can work as much by working on the quality than quantity.
If you brush up your capacity and flow good energy to your surroundings,
that will be the best work for yourself.
And if your work your best and start to be able to do more than your capacity,
your capacity will then be enlarged as well.
④ Fulfill Yourself
If you feel yourself not fulfilled,
first, aim to fulfill yourself both mentally and physically.
You might have to change your work or environment, relationships for that.
Also, you might need time for spiritual learning or for healing.
When your fulfilled capacity starts to overflow,
the work your soul is wanting to do (mission), would also be done.
If you feel guilty to make yourself happy,
please remember these words.

It is necessary for you to be happy and fulfilled.
Because, you being happy will make your surroundings happy.
This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.
Hello, this is Mizuho Kondo.
I am sending a spiritual message from Japan.
I have been active as a healer in Japan for over 23 years.
Thank you for reading the article.