【Spiritual Talk】The Reason Why There is Separation Before Union

① A Base Point Shown By Separation

When we look at the world situation today, Earth seems as if
it is heading towards further separation rather than to Oneness,

that I have asked for its reason,
this was the message in return.

” From Separation, Union is Born.”

At first, I did not really understand what that meant,
but when I received a vision with it, I had come to understand.

It was a vision of one energy separating into two,
and from the contacting point in between, a new energy was born.

That new energy gradually grew,
and later on, uniting the two separated energies
into one, and into harmony.

This new third energy,
has an effect of union born from the two,

but it cannot come into effect from an incomplete separation.

The reason is because, it gets activated
from the deepest part, “the base point”, surfacing by separation.

The base point is a point where the two energies connect,
and originally a starting point of one core.

For this base point to surface,
as when we break the outside to bring out the inside,

the outer layer needs to be destroyed once.

Union occurs from this destruction and regeneration process,
like this returning to the source.

② In the Destruction and Regeneration Process

Well then, in what kind of times, do unions occur from separation?

That is, when one energy body,
starts bearing unharmony so much as to not being able to keep its state,
or when it meets the next evolution.

Every life on Earth, including ourselves, and Earth itself, too,
is repeating this process in various forms.

This also includes disasters such as earthquakes.

For example, in the eruptions of volcanoes, the third energy shooting out from the
base point of separation, shapes new land gulping the former land.

Then, if such violent separation had occurred,
they may separate completely, becoming into two separate selves,
some may think,

but for that, I had received as the following.

In such cases as to when two originally separate things have merged
to become one, that could be possible,

but when something that was originally one had separated, it will not be cut off.
It is because, the root is the same.

This may not apply to everything,
but at least to something that is happening to the world now,

no matter how it may seem,
is in the uniting process of heading towards Oneness.

③ It Also Applies for Twin Rays/Twin Flames

Here, I am going a bit off track, but before I started this YouTube channel,
I had written articles on twin rays/twin flames for a long time.

My articles have been share on various websites and YouTube channels,
so you may have already seen them,

but twin rays are two separated soul bodies of originally one complete soul,
and that story experiences the uniting process accompanied by a very intense separation.

The story I had shared with you earlier,
when I learned of the mechanism of union arising from separation,

I thought that this applies for twin rays, too.

If the base point, which would be the core, does not surface,
the true union cannot happen, which means,

if you do not experience the intense separation,
the uniting process for twin rays will not start, either.

Silent period for twin rays who were originally one soul.

may seem as if it is separated at a glance,
but for they are connected at the base point, it can be said that they are not truly separated.

And for that base point to surface,
it can be said that the two will be able to know the truth of their connection.

From the message I had received this time,
I was able to understand,
why the separation is necessary in the union process of twin rays.

④ Seeing Beyond Separation

When looking at the present world situation,
I believe that various emotional feelings may arise,

but for Earth to head to Oneness,
if you can accept that it is passing through this point,

and if more people
will be able to see the union beyond this separation,

I believe that we can accelerate the process
of Earth’s evolution.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.

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