Using Call Numbers – UV Healing Method

① Number to Call Out Ultraviolet

I have mentioned before that you will be able to use the energy of
ultraviolet just by intending to do so, when performing the ultraviolet healing,

but this time, I have newly received the call out number for effectively using
the ultraviolet energy.

To be honest, for energy works or healings,
I myself have never,

used numbers or
received numbers, ever.

So, when the number came to me, I was in shock,

but when I used it, it was very useful,
and I was able to effectively use the ultraviolet energies.

Well then, I would like to tell you which number it is.
That is, “999”.

While having ultraviolet in mind, and by using the number “999”,
you will be able to receive the ultraviolet energies even stronger.

But why, is it 999?
One reason is related to the frequency of the ultraviolet.

Ultraviolet frequencies are between 800THz~30,000THz,
so “999” would include the meaning of 999THz.

And the other reason is, that 9 is the highest number of single digit,
with 0 coming after it, meaning the boundary between maximum of finite and infinity.

“999” a number with three 9’s in line,

means a number to represent the highest energy
which can be used in this 3rd dimension earth.

② Image Color of Ultraviolet

Since ultraviolet rays are invisible to our eyes,
it is hard to imagine its color.

In the previous clip,
I have told you to imagine a clear color,

but when performing a healing,
it would be easier to perform with a color image,

so I have received an imaginable color,
which is closest to the ultraviolet color.

That is, “platinum violet.”

Platinum is normally white-gold color,
but I would like to use it adding violet onto this as ultraviolet color.

The point is, while lightly adding violet,
imagine a color extremely close to white gold, as the ultraviolet color.

③ Ultraviolet Healing

Now, I will explain how to perform Ultraviolet Healing.

(1) In the front of your forehead, draw the ultraviolet call out number “999”.

Imagine to take in the “999” number drawn into your pineal gland.
Your pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain, straight in from your forehead.

(2) Imagine your pineal gland shining in platinum violet,
by taking in the platinum violet ultraviolet energy from the Universe.

(3) Pour in the platinum violet rays to your whole head,
while imagining the sun radiating ultraviolet rays in your pineal gland.

if you chant “999” while performing this,
you will be able to flow in the ultraviolet energy even more powerfully.

(4) Move the ultraviolet sun from your pineal gland to your thyroid,
and pour in the platinum violet rays to your whole throat.

Your thyroid is located right underneath your Adam’s apple.

(5) Move the ultraviolet sun to your thymus,
and pour in the platinum violet rays to your whole chest.

Your thymus is located in the center of your chest, in front of your heart.

(6) Move the ultraviolet sun to your solar plexus,
and pour in the platinum violet rays to your whole upper stomach.

Your solar plexus is located around the pit of the stomach.

(7) Move the ultraviolet sun to…testicles if you’re a male, ovaries if you’re a female,
And pour in the platinum violet rays to your whole lower stomach.

(8) While moving the ultraviolet sun back to your pineal gland,
pour the platinum violet rays in your spines while passing through them.

(9) When the ultraviolet sun has reached back to your pineal gland,
pour the platinum violet rays to your whole body from your pineal gland.

And if there is a particular spot you have in mind, pour the rays there also.

(10) Bring out the ultraviolet sun above your head,
and pour the platinum violet rays to your whole aura.

(11) Holding the ultraviolet sun in one hand,
and intending to protect yourself from harmful energies or materials,
and go round your aura boundaries.

(12) Place and fix the ultraviolet sun above your head and end the healing.

This is the healing method for making the 3 effectiveness to actively work,
I mentioned in the summary version of the Ultraviolet Healing.

① Clearing the Negative Energies
② Activating Your Pineal Gland and Spirituality
③ Detoxing Extraneous Substances such as Viruses

The reason why I have focused on thyroid, thymus or reproductive glands,
is to activate your immune systems to fight against viruses such as COVID.

I recommend you to flow in the rays while imagining the ultraviolet sun,
to any parts of your body feeling ill, or your lymph, heart, and blood vessels.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.

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