Embodying Love―Movements from 2022 and Tips To Ride the Flow

① Keyword for 2022

As I have mentioned in the last video,
the keyword for 2022 is “love”,

That refers as the start of the era founded in love,
not only to a personal level, but also to the Earth level.

If I were to refer it to human chakras,
the era until now was the era corresponding to the 3rd chakra.

The keywords for the 3rd chakra are,
individual, or society to individual, economy, or 3rd dimension reality, etc.

And the Earth’s history centered around capitalist economy,
which is in the 3rd chakra domain,
will move on to a new point.

That will be, to the 4th chakra above the 3rd chakra,
the domain of the heart chakra.

The keyword corresponding to the heart chakra,
as you already know, is “love”.

The next era will not be a capital economic one,
but will change to the one that will move around love.

② Winds of Freedom

The heart chakra is in the center of the 7 chakras of the human body,

and chakras below heart chakra is in the 3rd dimension domain,
and chakras above heart chakra are domains above 3rd dimension.

And the heart chakra is thought as having a role
of bridging the 3rd dimension and the higher dimensions.

Also, the element of the 4 elements corresponding to heart chakra is “wind”.
Wind is flowing between the land and the heaven.

Wind is mobile, not bound to either the land or the heavens.

Here, there is another keyword.
That is, “freedom”.

We will be, as the wind,
able to change freely, universally, and fluidly.

If the shapes can change freely,
that means the speed of embodiment will accelerate as well.

You will be able to reach the place you want,
sooner than you ever were able to.

③ To Ride the Current

For the Earth and our minds,
has risen to a domain higher than the one we were at,

the old common sense or the ways of being will collapse,
and new senses and ways will be born.

Realistic freedom, mental freedom,
those are the tips to riding the new current smoothly.

There may not be stability in the freedom,
but stability can only be reached after the creation for it to be fixed.

Choose without a doubt, if that is what you want to choose,
even if others may see it extortionate.

Prioritize the truth in you.
That will lead to activating the love that has been resting in you.

And, there is another tip,
for you to ride the new flow.

This may be,
something that might require a bit of courage for some of you,

but the money necessary for you to change, can be spent.

That is, because the era based on economy is ending,
and it is entering into the era of love,

by flowing the former symbolism, that is, money,
you will be able to enter smoothly into the domain of love.

In the upcoming era, by living your truth,
and by doing or working on what you must,
what is necessary will come to you as your necessities.

However, this, only refers to flowing what you had until now,
and only in the case you have money.

And do not flow money on just whatever,
but to something that will effectively lead to next.

④ On the foundation of love

We have learned many things.

And in the upcoming world,
the society will be constructed based on the ideas founded on love.

You may not be able to feel the change so visibly,
for it is a huge current,

but I believe that incidents or news which you will feel the coming of the era of love
gradually increasing from now.

Here, I would like to address one last important thing,
to inviting the era of love.

I have mentioned this many times, but please cherish your own hearts.

Because, the energy of your hearts will enlarge,
if you live prioritizing your feelings.

And, as your heart energies enlarge,
the reality accommodating love will come to you.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.

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