What Color Activates the Pineal Gland? – The Real Color of the 7th Chakra

① What Is the Color of the 7th Chakra?

Generally, the color corresponding to the 7th chakra
is said to be purple, or white,

but which is it really, haven’t you thought??

I believe that the theory saying that the 7th chakra is purple
most of the time says
the 6th chakra is navy and the 5th chakra sky blue.

And, the theory saying that the 7th chakra is white
most of the time says
that the 6th chakra is purple, and the 5th chakra blue.

However, the color of the 7th chakra I had received is neither
purple nor white.

That color, was actually, “ultraviolet”.

As you may know, the ultraviolet is not a visible light,
and is an invisible light.

Therefore, if the color of the 7th chakra is really the ultraviolet,
that would make it a color which we cannot see with our eyes.

The reason why the 7th chakra is said to be purple or white is because

maybe they tried to assign the color
in the visible light range.

② What about the colors of the other chakras?

If the 7th chakra is ultraviolet,
then, what are the colors of the other chakras?

According to the information I received, the 6th chakra is purple,
the 5th chakra blue, and navy in between, the area around the ears.

If you are a good guesser, I believe something has rung a bell in your head.
Yes, if there is ultraviolet, there is a corresponding chakra to infrared light on the human body.

However, that is not one of the 7 chakras.
The chakra corresponding to infrared light is the chakra on your sole.

The ultraviolet is the top, and the infrared on the sole.
These are the information on the colors of the chakras I have newly received.

③ Activating the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland which is in the brain, and is said to be connected to the third eye,

is the place where the hormones called melatonin is made.
And the melatonin senses light, controlling the daily rhythm.

It is said to be effective to activate this pineal gland,
to open up spiritually, or to see the unseen.

I believe there are many methods to activate your pineal glands,
to blossom one’s psychic abilities,

but from the information I received,
ultraviolet seems effective to activate your pineal glands.

For example, you may have heard someone say,
that “if you look at the sun, your pineal gland or the third eye will be activated,”

but it can be said that it is an effective method,
for the sun rays contain ultraviolet rays.

However, if you look at the sun directly with unprotected eyes,
there will be harmful effect to your eyes from the ultraviolet rays,

so I would like to suggest two different methods.

(1)First, close your eyes and expose sunlight to your forehead,
feeling the ultraviolet rays with your third eye and send it to the pineal gland.

On a sunny day, everyday for several minutes,
intending to send ultraviolet rays to your pineal gland,

I believe that you will be able to activate your pineal glands
more effectively from the conventional methods.

For those who use the sun to develop spirituality,
it may be more effective if you do so with ultraviolet in mind.

(2)And the other method is
to send ultraviolet to your pineal gland through healing.

When you perform healing to the method you usually use,
intend to send ultraviolet to your 7th chakra,
and further to your pineal gland.

Since ultraviolet is invisible,it is hard to express,
but if it is hard to imagine,
I think it would work to omit clear, transparent energy from your palms.

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Please see with English subtitles.

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