【Twin Ray】4 Issues which the Masculine Ray Bear② – Sexual Issue

① Frames Too Big

There is much information on Twin Rays in this world,
but I think only a few actually encounter them.

Therefore, the percentage of the Masculine Rays would be small,
and not only their numbers being small, their characteristics are rare as well.

First, what about them that is so special,
is the size of the power they possess.

Some of them possess a few times more than the average male,
and some might possess 10-20 times more,

that if they were able to use that power well,
they can even show enough power to change the society.

However, their power being large may become a disadvantage in sexual relationships.

That is, because their frames are big,
the number of their sexual interests would increase.

What more, is that they are very attractive,
and because people tend to be attracted to powerful beings unconsciously,

people would gather around them, even if the Masculine didn’t want them to,
and seem as if they are always surrounded by their fans.

This can become a cause of worry for the Feminine Rays even if the Masculine had no issues.

Of course, the Feminine Rays who are a set for them,
possess the same amount of power,

but no matter how big the power may be, there is only one person who fits in the frame.

Where does this difference come from?
Unfortunately, even for Twin Rays, that comes from the biological difference.

Male have their function to spread numerously,
and the female have their function to accept only one of them.

② Work and Frustration

However, even if their frames are big,
they do not necessarily have relationships with many others.

The reason for that is because if they are able to use that large power to their job or works,
they won’t have to have too much of their power.

But if their jobs or works do not go well,
or if they cannot be passionate about them,

or if they are in situations where they are full of stress either in their work environment or at home,
they may waste their power towards their sexual targets.

Of course, that changes greatly by their encounter with the Feminine Ray.

They may even reflect on their past,
and may have stopped chasing after their sexual target at the time of encounter.

Relatively, their sexual issues tend to occur if they are quite young,
or during their silent period, when they are running away from the Feminine.

However, they do know.
That they will be completely fulfilled by the Feminine Ray.

③ Issues of Karmas

Their sexual issues are also related to their karmas.

Especially if the counterpart is married, or have a partner in deep relationships,
the reason for their encounter under this situation often lie in their past lives.

It may take a bit of time,
to accept their situations,

but rather than to wish for their separation,
understand that that is a karma that you must face,
and it is better to work on your issues.

That is, you also have something that you must face,
as much as the time they are facing their karmas.

④ For Awareness

When the silent period ends and you are able to face each other with love and trust,
the Twin Masculine will generally stop to seek for other sexual targets,

but if you are in an adjusting period not being able to face them straight,
or if you are still running away, even after the silent period,
there may come other sexual targets for their awareness to occur.

The reason is, that the only one in this world,
who could completely fulfill them are the Feminine Ray,
and the fate works to let them understand that, no matter what.

This can be said to both sides, but because they have seen the true love,
there is no one else who would surpass them, no matter how far they run.

But without this wandering experience, the soul cannot commit.
Oppositely said, until the soul commits, they may repeat wandering.

⑤ The Role of the Light

The last reason is the reason only the Masculine possess.
That is, that they are bearing the darkness of the masculine on earth.

It is because, the Twin Rays are taking their role to lead to the next era,
how the Earth should be.

Sexual issues are deeply-rooted karmas of the 3rd dimensions for masculine on Earth,

But by sublimating the darkness to light through the experiences of the Masculine Rays,
it will lead to pulling up the masculine mind of the Earth as a whole.

And this can be said for Feminine, too.

By forgiving and accepting them with love,
it will lead to bringing true love and harmony on Earth.

It can be said that the reason for many trials in the love of Twin Rays,
because they have their roles of light, but they chose so themselves and they are here.

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