【Twin Ray】10 Points on How to Distinguish a Twin Ray

This time, I would like to introduce to you
the 10 points on how to distinguish whether the person is a Twin Ray or not.

I have been writing articles since around 2016,
but back then, the keyword “Twin Ray” was not really known.

However, it is now, a big keyword.

It is a good thing that the information on Twin Rays have spread,
but at the same time, I feel that the concept of Twin Rays has changed.

I get the impression of the concepts of Twin Rays and Twin Flames
being mixed up with Twin Souls and Soul Mates.

Therefore, some people may feel differently
towards what I post,

but the 10 fields I am about to introduce are what I have received and experienced,
and what I have seen in the six years of giving Twin Ray sessions
to over 3,000 people repeatedly.

In fact, there are other points which can be used on distinguishing,
but I have narrowed it down to those which I feel especially important.

Today, please allow me to introduce just the fields,
and detailed explanation of them will be shared on a different clip.

① Feelings after 5 years

Who can actually distinguish whether they are Twin Rays or not,
is nobody else but you.

It is because, whether that person is a Twin Ray or not
will be taught through experiences by fate.

And for that, I believe
that more than 5 years of time is necessary, at least.

Also, the dopamine which is extracted in love relationships
are said to only last for 3 years,

so whether you still love the person after 5 years could be a guide.

With Twin Rays, the feeling of love will not change after 5 years,
and the love is growing ever deeper.

② Absolute Trust

The path of Twin Rays is of continual occurrence of unbelievable incidents,
but opposite to the reality, you will be able to trust the counterpart from the bottom base.

That trust comes from the bond of the souls,
and as the years go by, it will deepen for both.

Are you able to absolutely trust the counterpart?

③ Transformation of the Feminine

Twin Ray program includes
the spiritual awakening and transformation of the Feminine.

The point of distinguishment is if the Feminine is changing,
using the continuing, harsh reality as a spring to change.

Whether they are transforming strongly, lightly, and beautifully.

Twin Feminine would be shining beyond recognition
after more than 5 years from the encounter, inside and out.

④ Series of Hardships

The path of Twin Rays is the path to dive through the biggest storm in life.
Like the tidal waves surfing and drawing, joy and disappointment come alternately

The moment you thought you were the happiest person on earth,
you were disappointed so much with an unpredictable incident…

Doesn’t it sound familiar?

If so, rest assured.

The ship moves on through the waves.
The waves of hardship coming your way shows you that you two are moving forward.

⑤ Sensitivity of the Telepathy

Telepathies start to work well as the relationships deepen for Twin Rays.

If the feelings of the counterpart you were feeling slightly at first
became words and started flowing smoothly in your hearts and minds,
it is a proof that the two are starting to unite.

Lies and secrets cannot exist.

What you are thinking or how they are feeling,
both of you will know instantly even if the two are apart.

⑥ Dramatic

Twin Rays are unique from the encounter
and it will rarely start with the normal love relationship patterns.

It starts with a very impressive situation of encounter,
that it is easy to acknowledge as fate.

Twin Ray stories are dramatic stories
that you could film a movie from the encounter.

⑦ Too Occupied

After encountering your Twin Ray
you might have noticed that other sexes stopped getting close to you.

That is because, when you meet your true partner,
changes like a nuclear fusion occur.

Put into words, it is as if the binding of the ovule and sperm.

The moment sperm enters the ovule,
fertilization membrane forms, not allowing other sperms to enter.

Likewise, the moment you encounter the Twin Ray,
your state is changed into the one where no one can get near.

Even if someone did get close in reality,
it will not last very long,

or more than anything, your heart will not move towards someone else.

⑧ Continuity of 24 hours

Asleep or awake, you can only think about the counterpart.

This happens a lot when you’re in love,
but in the case for Twin Rays, they are really connected while they’re asleep.

The reason for this is because, the energy of your counterpart is attached close to yours.

This is a big point for me during my sessions
to determine whether the two are Twin Rays,

but if the counterpart’s spiritual body is attached to the back
with the same frequencies, I consider them highly possible to be Twin Rays.

The real form of Twin Rays is one soul in two bodies,
so it is natural for them to be connected 24 hours because they are the same.

⑨ Future is Visible

No matter how dark it may seem right now,
somewhere far, you can see the future of the two.

You know what will happen, somewhere in your soul.
That is the Twin Ray.

Because you know what the current trial means to you somewhere inside,
that you can overcome it no matter how hard the reality is.

⑩ Correspondence of the Bodies

Twin Rays are perfectly compatible in every way,
and to physically know that, is the correspondence of the bodies,

and this is the big reason why the two cannot be separated.

In extreme, whether the two are Twin Rays or not,
can be determined by this.

This article is posted on YouTube.
Please see with English subtitles.

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